
April 13, 2011

Announcement regarding free svg file downloads Post #2 today

I'm changing things up again......I know, I know...make up my mind, right?! Sorry. I really am trying to find a "groove" for posting freebies and what-have-you. I think I'm almost "there"! hahaha!
Anyhow, the announcement:
On April 19th, several of the Free SVG File links will be disabled. By "several", I mean "most" of them in the list on the left sidebar, and the links that are in that files blog post, as well. All of the step cards and mat files will not be available after this date, so if you don't have them and want them, now is the time to download them! :0)
I will be adding freebies, at least one a week, and they will be available for one week only from the time they are posted.
Just a side - after a link is disabled, copyright and terms of use still apply to files. Please be kind and give credit by linking back to my site for others to download from here. Thanks!!

Scroll down to the next post for today's freebie! :0)


  1. Thank you so much for the svg files we already have been able to use. Looking forward to your new look.

  2. Thanks so much for the warning. :) and the free svgs. I am trying to download and save the ones I haven't had a chance to yet. I will give credit where credit is due. Thanks
    Melissa D

  3. OMG, I just downloaded the bear and dress, I didn't realize you had it, this is the one that just yesterday someone asked me to make for them, but I told them I didn't have it. Thank you so much. :)
    Melissa D


I read and enjoy every one of your comments! Thank you so much!