
June 28, 2011

What's going on?

Hi, everyone! I hope you are all having a good week, so far! I's only Tuesday, but I have been so busy this past weekend, that to me it feels like it should be Thursday or Friday! What's new with you? Did you work outside this weekend? Maybe you're traveling with the family for a summer vacation? Me? Oh......been super busy in the yard! Here's some pics of what my hubby and I accomplished this weekend:
Okay - this is not the "accomplishment" picture......this is actually a "before" photo of what the side of the house looked like prior to our shoveling! Lol! The point I am standing at for the photo is our parking pad. We now have a sidewalk from it to the front door, and another that goes to the corner of the back yard fence (the gate is just out of the picture to the right). The area that is grassy in this photo was dug up, and then we had to add some topsoil and we fertilize it this spring. It's been sitting as a mud hole since late April (I say "mud hole" because it has rained, at least a little, every day for the past three months!). Anyhow....on to this weekend! 
(Click on an image to enlarge it)
This is a view from the gate toward the front of the house. I think it is so funny that the plants look so tiny. Lol! The shrub in the center is 5' tall River Birch. The rhododendron behind it....up against the house.... is a monstrosity that will be cut back this fall. If it doesn't make it in the spring, it's beingpulled out and replaced. It has issues.......that's the short story! lol! I planted some Hosta, Black Eyed Susans and some Bee Balm. I'll be glad when they all fill in, which may take a couple years. In the meantime, I will be planting some tulip and lily bulbs this fall, to add some spring color to this stuff for next year. Here's a couple more photos.
 (Click on an image to Enlarge)

This is a view from the parking pad toward the back of the house. We have left the edges of the bed without mulch because we have to build a small retainer at the corner of the parking pad. The rains tend to wash away the dirt in the bed because it does slope quite a bit from the house to the parking area. 
(Click an Image to Enlarge)

This is srill from the parking pad, but gives you a picture of the front of the house. You can see the front sidewalk that was put in (not by us), and there are a couple mature hostas and a boxwood in the frout. These were already planted when we moved in last fall. I have to move one of them in the fall: it is too close to the house, and in the way of where they put in the hose spicket. I have some flagstone to make a walkway to the spicket from the sidewalk, but that will have to wait until i move the giant hosta. 
So, we've been super busy, as you can see. It took us 40 bags of mulch for this area, and we need more (it's spread a little too thin for my taste). To give you an idea, the distance from the fence to the front sidewalk is 32'. Yikes!
Well, that's what I've been up to, and why you haven't seen any cards from me much. I do have one in the works for tomorrow's post, and a freebie svg for you that is sure to make you think of a beach getaway! (I know I am longing for one! It's been so hot and humid here in the hills of West Virginia!).
Thanks for stopping by, and leave me a comment to let me know what you're up to! If you have a blog link you'd like to share, please do! I'd love to see your projects and summer adventures!


  1. Wow! Looks great! I have some yard work too, but it is too darn hot!

  2. I love before and after pictures....seems like a lot of hard work and sweat, but isn't it nice to sick back and say "job well done" and it's more of a joy to look or walk outside.

  3. Fantastic! Job well done. I love seeing huge accomplishments!


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